Sunday, August 19, 2012

fake oakleys see I came in a distant nod to pay tribute.

Normal thing, as young people naturally aspire to a wider world, the South more comfortable living environment full of curiosity, I carefully selected to describe their increasingly activities up, which I have very clear sense, I hope they can infect more people.
After two months Debating dawdle, and finally various tribal elders Federation decided to convene one another a horse-drawn sledge down in a group and a group of knights surrounded the town, one by an old man down on the sledge I'm really open his eyes, actually all of a sudden to see so many Despite a lot of letters between, there are still some people expressed doubt that some I did not wait until the official start when entering a courtesy. already have a dozen old man when I entered the room, being in twos and threes,fake oakleys, talking to each other, see I came in a distant nod to pay tribute.
I just sit down an old man came to my front, which is a chunky old man, as a Cossack actually a head shorter than me! Youguangzengliang not see a large head, his face a grinning face. like a stay on a beard, Maitreya is different from the simple attire of most of the elders, he's a jeweled black robes were using the Dagon side of metallic yarn, on the right index finger wearing a huge emerald ring, the hands of the cane is the longest in this room, the top decorated with a gold double-headed eagle, although he said that long, but in addition to the first word I did not understand.
very respected men, said honest the strong are worthy of respect, in particular, already have great wealth and power in the strong real strong for the Warriors is not a shame things! follow his His Majesty the King Kazimierz III, the ancestors have effect so far in East Europe noble knights follow the great nobles, the key is to look at whether it is worth to follow! wink.
the Nan Kelin tribes from the Ukraine, near Kiev, they canonized as the nobility had been King of Poland, do Erlin Sharansky family, Pan the South know when a European friend of mine once told me this statement: Once opened in Europe imposed in the Ukraine who

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